If you have a lot of predictions to make, then you can use the Batch Predictions function. This allows you to upload an Excel or .csv file, containing data that you would otherwise have to enter into the Predict form; and it allows you to download the results in a .csv or Excel file too.
The file can have one or more rows containing header information. Sagitto will automatically skip these, and only read the rows containing data that conforms to the same rules as the Predict form. It will assume that the data is in the same order (reading the data file from left to right), as the Predict form (reading from top to bottom).
If you are required to select from a list of names in the Predict form, then Batch Predictions will assume that the corresponding column in your batch file will also contain one of these names; and if there are lower and/or upper limits to the values that you can enter into a Predict form, then these same rules will apply to Batch Predictions.
For example, if the Predict form requires you to enter 4 numbers (Week Number, Fruit Length, Fruit Width and Fruit Depth); and if the fruit dimensions must be within particular ranges, then the Batch file must follow these rules too.